Sofitel Montreal Golden Mile - Luxury hotel - Loyalty program ALL

Loyalty program ALL

ALL is a loyalty program that allows you to earn points at all Accor Group properties such as Sofitel, Fairmont or Novotel. Whether it is for business trips, leisure or meetings, ALL is designed to offer you the best benefits.


Discovering the world

Discover the Accor Group with our 30 hotel brands, 80 partners and 4,600 addresses in a hundred countries.


Exclusive discounts

Enjoy discounts on your first booking!


Earn points

Restaurants, bars, stays or professional meetings, be rewarded at all times!


Use your points

Pay for part of your stay, treat yourself with meals, plan activities and much more. Everything is possible thanks to the ALL program.


Enjoy unique benefits

Upgrade your membership and enjoy even more exciting benefits!

Discover the program





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Sofitel Montreal Golden Mile
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